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Meguro Central Square

Cultural Square - Bright Dip Anodized Aluminium Eaves

Cultural Square - Bright Anodized Aluminium Eaves

Bright Anodized Aluminium Column and Wall Panels

Bright Anodized Aluminium Panels With Minimal Joints

■A New Landmark with Aluminium Panels

‘Meguro Central Square’ is a new landmark built near the Meguro station’s roundabout as a multi-complex that holds both commercial and business facilities. Kikukawa has participated in the metal construction of this project with our cut-edge detailed aluminium panels.
The designers paid great attention to the materials and details used in this project. Within this context, Kikukawa’s high bright aluminium panels were selected for areas with high traffic; the ‘Cultural Square’ on the third floor, and the 3rd-floor elevator hall. The gentle reflections of the aluminium panels contribute to the creation of a refined space that is fitting for the urban scenery of Meguro.


■Bright Aluminium with an Even Tone

To assimilate the bead-blasted texture of stainless steel, Kikukawa’s high bright aluminium was selected. This highly reflective finish is achieved by using a unique aluminium alloy (A5110AP-H24), electropolished then electrolytically coloured.
High bright aluminium is particularly challenging in colour control, even amongst the electrolytically coloured finishes that are notorious for the same reason. However, Kikukawa established a methodology to achieve a consistent colour tone with our quality control expertise and in partnership with the material provider and anodization provider.


■Cut-edge Detailed Panel with 6mm Thin Joints

The 3mm thick cut-edge detailed aluminium panels are installed with 6mm thin joints. These panels contribute to the implementation of a refined space, with attentive details such as the hidden screws between the thin joints.
With external panels lining the ‘Cultural Square’, Kikukawa ensured that the backing frame details balanced both the design and the necessary strength, and accommodated the designed arrangements of the lighting fixtures.
For the elevator hall, Kikukawa worked closely with the contractors to conduct precise onsite measurements that were reflected in our drawings and addressed any necessary changes to the details to accommodate the installation of the fittings, buttons, and the lighting that came before our panels. The straight joints of these panels showcase our high-quality installation.


■Fabricating with High-standard Quality Control

By carefully planning the installation, Kikukawa was able to efficiently install the bright aluminium panels, that cannot be repaired onsite, under a limited timeline and space. Especially for the 5m long elevator walls and cut-edge detailed column covers for the 3rd-floor elevator hall, installation action plans and stock yard necessities were carefully discussed with the contractors beforehand to ensure safe, efficient, and precise installation.
Kikukawa’s efforts to provide high-standard services that balance design, quality, cost, timeline, and safety from design, fabrication to installation received excellent reviews from our client.

Product Material Metal Finishes
Cultural Square
Eaves Cut Panel
Bright Anodized Aluminium
Bright Anodized Aluminium
(Electropolishing + Anodizing)
3F EV Hall
Wall + Column Cut Panel
Bright Anodized Aluminium
Bright Anodized Aluminium
(Electropolishing + Anodizing)
ProjectMeguro Central Square
Abbreviated NameMeguro Central Square
ClientMeguro Station District Urban Redevelopment Project Union
ArchitectBasic Design: Nihon Sekkei, Inc.
Implementation Design and Party Responsible: Takenaka Corporation
ContractorTakenaka Corporation
LocationShinagawa-ward, Tokyo